Johan Wallqvist
I have always been restless. For as long as I can remember, my feet has been tapping away. Very often without me really knowing. This has caused some irritation over the years. From others, not me.. I like drumming.
Around the age of 12 I was introduced to music in a way that made me feel I could probably do it. I could probably learn to play. I had taken piano lessons as a younger boy but this was something else. It was sort of a rock school that you could take part in after regular school, and there I would take my first chords on the electric guitar. After having tried most sports without feeling at home, this was like being welcomed in to a loving family. This was me. And this was something bigger than me.
So the next 8 years was spent growing up and breaking down. Building a longing and a frustration that together with great friends and a healthy dose of naivity would take me out in the world, playing my guitar. What a wonderful experience it has been. I’ve looked into the faces of people singing my words back to me. Just amazing. But after three albums and a few tours I didn’t feel like that life had anything more to give me. It started to become less about what I liked and wanted and more about what we thought people wanted to hear. The magic was gone, and so I quit the band I started. No regrets. Not to this day actually. I continued writing and playing and started singing aswell. Songs that I wanted to hear and had to write. It’s more of a necessity than anything else.
When I approached my forties I became interested in photography. Don’t know why really but it just called on me. It was a new safe haven. A place where I could create what I wanted, how I wanted. Being totally non-schooled I just learned as I went along, which I still do. I love photography. I love the frozen moments of street photography, the magic of portraits that makes you want to know the person your looking at, I love light and shade and how wonderful nature is when you stay silent and just watch. The more involved I’ve become in photography the more I feel I’m in danger of repeating what killed the joy of music for me. It’s really easy to start doing it with the hope of pleasing others. You’re supposed to do this, not supposed to do that and so on. I try my hardest not to fall into that pit, but it’s hard. Especially with social media and the pull it has.
I am available for assignments and I do sell my photos, well most of them at anyway. So please get in touch if you’re interested.